Urban Tree By-law Public Consultation

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Consultation has concluded

The survey is closed.

The consultant's report regarding this public consultation process was before Council in June 2018.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this process.

The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake was assessing the need for a Tree By-law to regulate the protection and removal of trees on private property within the Town’s urban areas.

We understand that through creating any such By-law, there is a need to balance the preservation and protection of trees and the greater good of the community with the need to respect the rights and responsibilities of individual property owners. As such, the Town embarked

The survey is closed.

The consultant's report regarding this public consultation process was before Council in June 2018.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this process.

The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake was assessing the need for a Tree By-law to regulate the protection and removal of trees on private property within the Town’s urban areas.

We understand that through creating any such By-law, there is a need to balance the preservation and protection of trees and the greater good of the community with the need to respect the rights and responsibilities of individual property owners. As such, the Town embarked on public consultation to hear residents feedback, including whether or not they were in favour of this By-law and how the By-law would be created.

The Private Tree By-Law only applies to our urban areas. Please see the map below that depicts where the By-law applies. Niagara Region’s Tree and Forest Conservation By-Law (By-Law No. 30-2008) would continue to apply to the regulation of woodlots in the Town.

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
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    We are very excited to see so many residents show interest in this topic!  As a result, we've opened this new engagement forum to allow interested parties an opportunity to communicate with each other on the matter (similar to a social media platform).  Here you will be able to post a comment and respond to someone else’s. Should you have any type of technical difficulty, please call Tara Druzina at 905-468-6468 or email tdruzina@notl.org.