Thank you for all of the consultation meetings so far.
Any updates on the timeline of the sidewalk that will connect to the Lions Club? Looking forward to using it to walk the kids to school!
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Hi Kevin T, we are just looking for an update on whether the developer has signed over the ability for the walkway to the St Davids pool and the date of when construction will be begin.
Share Hi Kevin T, we are just looking for an update on whether the developer has signed over the ability for the walkway to the St Davids pool and the date of when construction will be begin.
on Facebook
Share Hi Kevin T, we are just looking for an update on whether the developer has signed over the ability for the walkway to the St Davids pool and the date of when construction will be begin.
on Twitter
Share Hi Kevin T, we are just looking for an update on whether the developer has signed over the ability for the walkway to the St Davids pool and the date of when construction will be begin.
on Linkedin
Email Hi Kevin T, we are just looking for an update on whether the developer has signed over the ability for the walkway to the St Davids pool and the date of when construction will be begin.
Hi Nick, please see the updated information regarding the sidewalk in the FAQ section.
Share Hi Nick, please see the updated information regarding the sidewalk in the FAQ section. on Facebook
Share Hi Nick, please see the updated information regarding the sidewalk in the FAQ section. on Twitter
Share Hi Nick, please see the updated information regarding the sidewalk in the FAQ section. on Linkedin
Email Hi Nick, please see the updated information regarding the sidewalk in the FAQ section. link