The following delegation took place at the March 8, 2021, Committee of the Whole – Planning Meeting:
President John Foreman
NOTL Bed & Breakfast Association – Short-term rental situation in 2021
The following presentations took place at the March 15, 2021, Committee of the Whole – General Meeting:
Fire Chief Nick Ruller
2021-2025 Strategic Plan Presentation
CAO Marnie Cluckie
90-day Update & Municipal Modernization
The following delegations and presentation took place at the March 22, 2021, Council Meeting:
CEO David Adames & Chair Sandie Bellows
Niagara Parks Commission – General Update
Alex Broughton
Chesler Perlmutter Productions, Inc. request for filming
Town Clerk Peter Todd
Hospital Site Request for Expression of Interests
Reports & By-Laws
The following reports and By-Laws were approved at the March 22, 2021, Council Meeting:
Application for Zoning By-law Amendment 1072 Concession 2 Road
Fire & Emergency Services Report 2021-2025 Strategic Plan
Municipal Modernization Program Intake
Council Member Appointment for Employee Bargaining Group Negotiations, as amended
2021 Water & Wastewater Rates
2021 Short Term Rental Licensing Program Update, as amended
Grace United Church Parking Update (222 Victoria Street), as amended
John Street West Sidewalk Extension (Cost Sharing)
Parks By-law, as amended
135 Queen Street – Fulfilment of Conditions for Heritage Permit
95 Johnson Street, the Post House – Heritage Permit Application – Alterations to 1999 Solarium Addition
Memorandum – Updating the Municipal Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest
Request for Comments – Temporary Patio Permit Program, as amended
12 Queen Street – Heritage Permit Application – Installation of Mechanical Equipment
A by-law to amend by-law No. 4308-09, as amended, being a by-law regulating traffic and parking on Town roads.
A by-law pursuant to Section 34 of the Ontario Planning Act to amend By-law No. 500A-74, as amended, entitled a by-law to regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures thereon. (1072 Concession 2 Road & 1065 Concession 3 Road)
A by-law to appoint Christopher Kirby as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for The Corporation of The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
A by-law to repeal By-law 4510-11 being a by-law to authorize an encroachment agreement between The Corporation of The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and Jacqueline Yvonne Kevill (93 River Beach Drive)
The following motions were approved at the March 22, 2021 Council Meeting:
Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs
That Council authorize the purchase of services of a fairness monitor to oversee the RFEI/RFP process for the former hospital site, of an amount up to $25,000, to be funded from the Capital Reserve.
Moved by Councillor Sandra O’Connor
That the Town Nominating Committee consider a Committee system that uses an equity and inclusion lens and promotes a Committee balance that is representative of our community’sdiversity, including but not limited to, expertise, equal gender representation; cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity; socioeconomic diversity; and generational diversity.
April Meetings:
Monday, April 12, 2020, 6 PM
Committee of the Whole – Planning
Monday, April 19, 2021, 6 PM
Committee of the Whole – General
Monday, April 26, 2021, 6 PM
Town News
The following Media Releases, Public Notices and Written, Video and Audio Messages were published during the month of March 2021:
On March 11, the Town joined with the rest of Canada to mark the National Day of Observance to commemorate those who have died of COVID-19. Flags at Town Hall remain at half mast to honour the lives lost and to offer condolences to all of their families and friends.
March for Meals
On March 15, the Meals on Wheels flag was raised at Town Hall in honour of March for Meals. Special thanks were expressed to Meals on Wheels Niagara for offering this essential meal delivery service to those in need.
2020 Municipal Challenge Winners
Lord Mayor Betty Disero accepted the United Way Niagara Municipal Challenge trophy for the second year in a row! Thank you to Town Staff who generously donate to this worthy local cause.
Postcard Giveaway
The Town saw great success with its Postcard Giveaway. Thank you to everyone who signed up to receive a free prepaid postcard featuring 1 of 5 stunning photos of our Town, submitted through the 2020 NOTL Photo Contest. We hope everyone who receives a postcard enjoys sending a special message to someone they love.
Ontario’s School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
On March 24, the Town sent a special thank you to our crossing guards for Ontario’s School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day. We appreciate all they do to keep families safe on their journey to and from school.
Earth Hour
The Town invited the Niagara-on-the-Lake community to help us highlight Earth Hour on Saturday, March 27, 2021, by going dark for one hour, 8:30 - 9:30 PM. Non-essential lights at Town Hall and the Community Centre were turned off at that time. Thank you to everyone who joined in!
State of the Town
Lord Mayor Betty Disero and CAO Marnie Cluckie joined moderator Eduardo Lafforgue for the Niagara-on-the-Lake Chamber of Commerce’s 2021 State of the Town.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to watch or send in questions.
March saw another successful Virtual Coffee with the Lord Mayor over Facebook Live. In case you missed it, click here(External link) to watch the video now. Due to the Provincial Stay-at-Home Order, April’s event will be pre-recorded and the video will be posted on the Town’s Facebook Page at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 27. Anybody wishing to pose a question to the Lord Mayor can email it to link) before noon on Tuesday, April 27. Click here(External link) to see the full 2021 schedule.
This project page is inactive.
Follow the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake on Social Media!
The following delegation took place at the March 8, 2021, Committee of the Whole – Planning Meeting:
President John Foreman
NOTL Bed & Breakfast Association – Short-term rental situation in 2021
The following presentations took place at the March 15, 2021, Committee of the Whole – General Meeting:
Fire Chief Nick Ruller
2021-2025 Strategic Plan Presentation
CAO Marnie Cluckie
90-day Update & Municipal Modernization
The following delegations and presentation took place at the March 22, 2021, Council Meeting:
CEO David Adames & Chair Sandie Bellows
Niagara Parks Commission – General Update
Alex Broughton
Chesler Perlmutter Productions, Inc. request for filming
Town Clerk Peter Todd
Hospital Site Request for Expression of Interests
Reports & By-Laws
The following reports and By-Laws were approved at the March 22, 2021, Council Meeting:
Application for Zoning By-law Amendment 1072 Concession 2 Road
Fire & Emergency Services Report 2021-2025 Strategic Plan
Municipal Modernization Program Intake
Council Member Appointment for Employee Bargaining Group Negotiations, as amended
2021 Water & Wastewater Rates
2021 Short Term Rental Licensing Program Update, as amended
Grace United Church Parking Update (222 Victoria Street), as amended
John Street West Sidewalk Extension (Cost Sharing)
Parks By-law, as amended
135 Queen Street – Fulfilment of Conditions for Heritage Permit
95 Johnson Street, the Post House – Heritage Permit Application – Alterations to 1999 Solarium Addition
Memorandum – Updating the Municipal Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest
Request for Comments – Temporary Patio Permit Program, as amended
12 Queen Street – Heritage Permit Application – Installation of Mechanical Equipment
A by-law to amend by-law No. 4308-09, as amended, being a by-law regulating traffic and parking on Town roads.
A by-law pursuant to Section 34 of the Ontario Planning Act to amend By-law No. 500A-74, as amended, entitled a by-law to regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures thereon. (1072 Concession 2 Road & 1065 Concession 3 Road)
A by-law to appoint Christopher Kirby as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for The Corporation of The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
A by-law to repeal By-law 4510-11 being a by-law to authorize an encroachment agreement between The Corporation of The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and Jacqueline Yvonne Kevill (93 River Beach Drive)
The following motions were approved at the March 22, 2021 Council Meeting:
Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs
That Council authorize the purchase of services of a fairness monitor to oversee the RFEI/RFP process for the former hospital site, of an amount up to $25,000, to be funded from the Capital Reserve.
Moved by Councillor Sandra O’Connor
That the Town Nominating Committee consider a Committee system that uses an equity and inclusion lens and promotes a Committee balance that is representative of our community’sdiversity, including but not limited to, expertise, equal gender representation; cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity; socioeconomic diversity; and generational diversity.
April Meetings:
Monday, April 12, 2020, 6 PM
Committee of the Whole – Planning
Monday, April 19, 2021, 6 PM
Committee of the Whole – General
Monday, April 26, 2021, 6 PM
Town News
The following Media Releases, Public Notices and Written, Video and Audio Messages were published during the month of March 2021:
On March 11, the Town joined with the rest of Canada to mark the National Day of Observance to commemorate those who have died of COVID-19. Flags at Town Hall remain at half mast to honour the lives lost and to offer condolences to all of their families and friends.
March for Meals
On March 15, the Meals on Wheels flag was raised at Town Hall in honour of March for Meals. Special thanks were expressed to Meals on Wheels Niagara for offering this essential meal delivery service to those in need.
2020 Municipal Challenge Winners
Lord Mayor Betty Disero accepted the United Way Niagara Municipal Challenge trophy for the second year in a row! Thank you to Town Staff who generously donate to this worthy local cause.
Postcard Giveaway
The Town saw great success with its Postcard Giveaway. Thank you to everyone who signed up to receive a free prepaid postcard featuring 1 of 5 stunning photos of our Town, submitted through the 2020 NOTL Photo Contest. We hope everyone who receives a postcard enjoys sending a special message to someone they love.
Ontario’s School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
On March 24, the Town sent a special thank you to our crossing guards for Ontario’s School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day. We appreciate all they do to keep families safe on their journey to and from school.
Earth Hour
The Town invited the Niagara-on-the-Lake community to help us highlight Earth Hour on Saturday, March 27, 2021, by going dark for one hour, 8:30 - 9:30 PM. Non-essential lights at Town Hall and the Community Centre were turned off at that time. Thank you to everyone who joined in!
State of the Town
Lord Mayor Betty Disero and CAO Marnie Cluckie joined moderator Eduardo Lafforgue for the Niagara-on-the-Lake Chamber of Commerce’s 2021 State of the Town.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to watch or send in questions.
March saw another successful Virtual Coffee with the Lord Mayor over Facebook Live. In case you missed it, click here(External link) to watch the video now. Due to the Provincial Stay-at-Home Order, April’s event will be pre-recorded and the video will be posted on the Town’s Facebook Page at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 27. Anybody wishing to pose a question to the Lord Mayor can email it to link) before noon on Tuesday, April 27. Click here(External link) to see the full 2021 schedule.